Definition of sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis (Sarcoidosis) is an inflammatory disease characterized by granuloma formation in lymph nodes, lungs, liver, eyes, skin and other tissues. Granuloma is a collection of macrophages, lymphocytes and giant cells many-core.
These granulomas will eventually disappear or evolve into a network total paurt. Granuloma is a core action involving the immune countered the impression due to toxic substances released by macrophages and white blood cells (lymphocytes).
Lungs are frequently involved organ and sarcoidosis also cause damage as well as a thorough alveolan mengalamisejumlah imunologikdan abnormality is becoming a disease that infiltrated restrictive.
Sarcoidosis has been known for sure with different densities of almost all the countries. Example: it is often found in various regions of the United scanadinavia southeastern city of New York patients and approximately 70% under the age of 40 years.
Etiology and pathogenesis
Etiology and pathogenesis of sarcoidosis is not known with certainty whether an infectious disease, genetic disease, if a foreign object or if the disease causes of illness due to one or many causes. Many infectious agents are suspected as the cause. Changes ipatologik sarcoidosis is an infection or an infection mikrobakterian mikrosistemik, but the organism can not be found either from any lesions or culture.
Inhalation of chemicals such as beryllium zikronlum and can also cause granulomas, but these materials are rarely evident in patients sarkoidosisi, genetic factors, may also play a role because of cases of anal and in the case of monozygotic twins and azigot.
Factor antigenic or immune complexes may cause a reaction system to form the mononuclear fagostosis graftulomatosa leaf, where the T lymphocyte cell
Clinical manifestations
There are two different types of diseases yhaitu acute type and chronic type. Both are different in the aluitan. Course of the disease, prognosis and Ream to the treatment.
Padasarkoidosis usually seen in acute organ muls eksplasif marked the onset of mass and the minis so that it looks as eriterna nodosum, menopati hilut, fever, polyarthritis and acute aritis. Biasnaya patient experienced no symptoms sponta resolution in some Hitan sm.
And associated with good prage3nosis.
In this type there are more chronic in patients aged over 40 years marked by the onset of the less obvious, and involved, the disease is associated with laboratory abnormalities and immunological disorders. Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease of various organs of the incident as follows:
1. 87% of the chest cavity
2. Peripheral lymph nodes 27%
3. Skin and mucosa of 20% - 35%
4. Eyes 25% - 50%
5. Spleen 10% - 25%
6. Liver 20%
7. 2% of heart
8. 15% -20% of bone
9. Nervous system 5%
10. 6% of the salivary glands
11. Lachrymal glands of 6%
12. Parotid gland 6%
Cause sakoidosis
The cause of the disease is not known but there is the opinion expressed sarcoidosis is caused by:
- Follow imunasi back to factors beyond its natural surroundings
- Factor descent
- Follow-back system inunasi extreme
- Infection or chemical Ahan
- Hypersensitivity
Usually appears at age 30-50 years and very rarely found in children
Granuloma tissue injury and fibrosis caused alveolitas internsis in perantarakan by the enzyme lysozyme and publications makrofak radikul terbita free oxygen and subsequent fibrosis may be a bit mostly by growth factors that act ketas makrojaf issue firboplast.
These granulomas produce enzymes penkar angiotensis, which causes increased flow of serum. Kuterneas energy is poorly understood but may be caused by a serum factor that merencet penghasiulan T cells or more likely, merencet "sowing the original" T4 helper cells that will gather in places involved, and with that amount will be reduced in peredarah. This may explain the increase in T8 cells and thus produce cutaneous energy.
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