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Family Factors Influence On Childbehavior

Written By SALWA store on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 | 9:41 AM

The future is very dependent on the children at the time sekrang. If you want a better future than the present would be responsible for the present generation to provide the transfer of cultural and social values ​​to the next generation. Family held a prominent role in the achievement of the case because the elderly have a great answer tangung within the framework of the formation of behavior for their children.

Basic unit of society is the family unit and the birth of young children. In this unit most of the child's development needs are met. Most do not traditionally met the needs of a child by his father and mother as their parents. Urgent need for including nutrition, warmth, shade and protection from harm, provision within the framework of growth and development of physical, mental and social culture.
Initial interaction that occurs is between mother and baby, where is the satisfaction of basic physical and psychological. Dad also played an important role in growth and development of children. Its role is double, namely:
a. In the process of self identification (identity) of a child
b. Support and protection that will strengthen the role of the mother.
If one of the basic requirements are not met or are not adekuat amak dipenhuhi development will be blocked or disrupted. At the bottom there is a possibility if one failed to satisfy demand, then the other requirements will also be affected. Important elements for a successful development is given the love and security. Lack of it will cause serious problems in an individual.
Son of the heir of the norm values ​​held by a family. In terms of structural components of a unit will be called the family when in it consists of father, mother and child. A child will inherit genetic characteristics from both parents, where he will defend exsistensinya in the next life.
Worldwide training for child care checkers identical in some important gaps. In all the helpless infancy of society must be transformed into an adult who is responsible, to comply with the rules of society. Although such children are also affected by external environment, such as schools. This shows that there is universal in educating children CRA as desired, and position the child in the family.

1. How the structure and function of the family?
2. How social problems in the family?

A. Meaning
Behavior are all manifestations of the individual in interaction with biological environments, ranging from the most visible behavior that does not appear to reach, from which most do not feel up felt. b) view of behavior, there are five main approaches of behavior, namely: (1) neurobiologik approach, this approach focuses on the relationship between the behavior of the incident which took place in the body (brain and nerves) since the behavior is governed by the brain and nervous system activity, (2 ) behavioristic approach, this approach focuses on behavior that you see, the behavior can be formed by refraction and consolidation by conditioning the stimulus, (3) the cognitive approach, according to this approach, individuals not only receive a passive stimulus, but treats the behavior of the new stimulus, (4) view of psychoanalysis, according to this view of individual behavior is driven by instinct and a great amount of behavior is not realized, (5) humanistic view, individual behavior to be determined by the internal aspects of the individual. Mengaragkan behavior of individual and give color to the environment.

B. Structure and Function Family
a. Family Structure
- It is a basic unit of society
- The composition of families varies based on family forms, but usually one of a family head
- Have a purpose and beliefs and moral values ​​of its subscribers
- To carry out the role and framework to meet the needs of individuals and groups within the family
- Status of family members is determined by its position in relation to family social views.
b. Family Function
While the formal structure of the family remained unchanged, thus, its function has undergone a very extensive modifications. At one time the family is the unit of production and consumption, especially family sekrang a unit of consumption only. The most important function of the family, especially in a society with a lot of emotional tension is peace. As for the specific family functions are as follows:
• Reproduction
A group will grow to a large process in rangkan defend its existence and to make good in quality and large quantity. Preservation in order to improve conditions for the better.
This includes meeting the needs such as clothing, shelter, food and personal care, other family that also meets the needs of family members of other aspects such as: Social, psychological, emotional support. Protection against family members who are not mature until an individual has always given people grow into adults. In addition to being members of families of children also become part of the DRI community.
• Socialization
Child will adapt to cultural objects, habits and social situation in the development of behavior, aka tone of identity formation process in the child's relationship with other family members. Finally, children will learn to fit the type of role model and will seek to carry out kelaminnya what is their responsibility.
• Individual Growth
In individual families (children) will grow and develop into mature individuals (mature) and independent (Kontak).
• Education
The primary function of the family is the most important cultural norms of inheritance from one generation to another. For children still in care of elderly parents role in education can still mennjol.
• Religious (Religion and Faith)
Human right to profess the religion which he was born, w Even though later on at any given time there will be changes regarding religion and beliefs along with experienced adult life.
• Recreation
Families have recreational function at a time because the majority of recreational berdasr in the family, although now more common recreation outside the family.
• Health Care
Family is still the main unit where prevention and treatment of disease possible. Still very found kterlibatan and support the family without a case where this would be difficult rehabilitation process carried out in the family.
c. Social problems in the family
a. Family disorganization
Tiaks have families to escape from conflict, but each family has its own method for treating her. Most of the conflict comes from the marriage itself and has a direct effect on children. If a problem arises so that each pair will seek to solve it but if this is not possible then there will be divorce and separation
Divorce is a valid marriage settlement and influence children in many aspects and can interfere with the socialization of children, if still very young. Research shows that, boys that are less able to adjust to show that a higher percentage of divorce came from a divorced family, too.
Judgment in the care of mothers tend to entrust their children unless there is a strong reason for this menetang. Research shows that boys who grow up together without contact with the mother and father or without a role model male behavior so the child will have difficulty in determining its own role in later life
b. Families with single parents (single parent)
Single parent family with a very wide assortment of groups consisting of father or mother with children. In most families with single parents, parents are parents responsible for their children, many of whom are women who are divorced or abandoned her husband.
The influence of his parents abandoned children can vary, such as depression that settled, behavior disorders, personality anti sosialm failure in the educational process. In 1976, the Bureau issued a national children's survey results from a lack of research that children dibersarkan beruntungan paret single objects likely caused by poverty and therefore the accumulation of problems. Reported in 1974 and organized a number of comments, including special attention to women abandoned by her husband.
c. The loss of the mother and its influence
Bowlby (1965), states that the type of emotional relationship with her children in early childhood is very important and children need a sustainable ditegakkanya bond. When the bond is broken or this bond is not upheld memuaskam, the development of physical, intellectual, emotional and social will be affected.
The last study shows that the behavior of the bond is formed from several related components. Schaffer, studying infants reared in institutions that many staff will show a faster response verdict or reverse with the baby who was born in a little institutional staff.
Rutter (1972), allowing genetic and organic factors that are also involved, this is proved by that the children who grew up somewhere within and separated from his mother for a long time will have an effect on intellectual ability.
d. Persecution of children (child abuse)
Battered baby or child abuse syndrome diuraikamn the first time by a member of the radiology USA in 1946, but new in 1962, CH. Kempe, the first to use this term. There are many families who treat their children harshly, such as beatings and punishment. There is a tendency for the first or youngest child to get treatment as I, so also in infants with BBLR.
• Clinical picture of Persecution
- Son of late taken berobat generally not given information or evidence does not support the dideerita child injury
- Injury and multi-ganda and tipenya bermacan kinds, such as bruises and scratches
- Lllesi come in different levels, for example, are in various levels of healing
- Type of lesions including: Fracture (not common in infants, baker and tersenduh wounds, spots on the skin and cool conditions relating to the blue pad aekstremitas in relation to low-weight objects other than depression, emotional
- Place of injury, such as ear lobes petekhiepada (because trikan or pinch), a former ties around the neck (strangulation attempt), sundutan cigarettes are also specialized in eye injury, bleeding and tooth injury
• Attitudes and behaviors of children
Expression of the child should learn because it has great value in assessing the emotional status such as: fear, regret, complain, etc.
e. Pelecahan on Child Sexual
Sexual abuse in children is difficult to be evaluated, without the cooperation of family members. However there is an increase of awareness of action is sexual harassment. If pelecegahn sexual occurred then we should report on the bodies.
• general signs of sexual harassment:
- Can be obtained from the child's history of sexual assault or family member
- If you become pregnant or venerik disease in children aged 12 years or younger
- There is a history of genital trauma of conflict on children with


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